Thursday, February 24, 2011

speak-sanctuary, espanol, home. work, our fearless leader, fizz ed, friends, & heathering

After lunch the narrator goes to her next class the place that teaches you how to survive, art! Mr.freeman is the  teacher he is considered ugly and looks like a big old grasshopper.The art teacher pulls out a expensive looking globe with a huge hole in it. He is trying to bring imagination to the kids that have no imagination. Inside the globe there are pink slips with a name of an object. She gets a tree! The next class is Spanish were nobody knew what the teacher was saying which drove her crazy.The class seemed pointless and a waste because the time it was over they knew as much as they knew when they walked in. The didn't know much Spanish! Finally we meet our narrator  Melinda Sordino! She then has fizz ed which is the embarrassment of  life. Melinda is not a very athletic type girl but her old friend Nicole is. She was the most athletic and always praised by every gym teacher. Nicole wasn't ashamed of her body and didn't mind changing in front of others even bras and undies. How crazy?  After gym class she goes to the bathroom and her old best friend, Rachel but now Rachelle. Melinda chose to speak and Rachelle didn't even try to make a conversation. Why is she acting like that? I thought they were best friends at one point of time last year. At the end of the day Melinda rides on Heathers bus home and she nearly pushes her against her will to pick a club to join but Melinda isn't so fond of any of them. What is she to do?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

speak: our teachers are the best & spotlight

 First day of school the narrator is in her English class her teacher is a female with stringy black hair and neon tips. How exotic is that? The English teacher is face down in the attendance book taking her about a half in hour to take attendance. The narrator gives her a nickname "Hair women". Then the anonymous narrator meets her social studies teacher Mr. Neck the douche bag that told her to find a seat early in the auditorium. Mr.Neck already had an odd dislike for her already. Anyways class was over for now and she searched for her locker. The type of locker that is similar looking to millions of others in the school but could be told apart by the differentiation of a number or letter. Once she arrives to her locker she opens it. Closes it. Heads to lunch with four hundred other kids that had the same lunch time as her. Trying her best she tries to fit in and not bring and a lunch and stand in a line to get lunch. Not saying much she takes what is put on her plate but notices a tall senior boy that has double everything on his tray. Not being able to decide where to sit she follows the basketball pole and searches for friends. None! she sees heather the girl she met earlier and sees the basketball pole waving towards her. All of a sudden mashed potatoes and gravy comes flying towards her and smack on her shirt it goes. Storming out the lunch room she goes and behind her is Mr. Neck with a demerit slip calling her name. what in gods name did she do? besides get embarrassed in front of the whole school of kids.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


i, Amanee Caldwell will read a minimum of four books and make a conscientious effort to meet my individual goals both inside and outside of class. I plan to blog weekly about my exerience of "reading for pleasure" the four books i plan to read are:

1. Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
2. Trouble follows by Monica Mckyhan
3. The oracle of dating by Allison Van Diepen
4. Prom by Laurie Halse Anderson

speak : welcome to merryweather high

first morning of being an high school student at Merryweather high also called Home of the Trojan. The narrarator seems to be the girl telling the story. She has no name yet but i can tell she has a hard decision to make. The first to get on the bus where shall she sit? The front? The middle? The back? hmm.. As the bus travels on,  picking up groups of kids she is still alone. Once she arrives at school she has no clue what clan to be in. Many kids fell into a clan as soon as they got there but not her. She was an outcast. Her old friends met new people and joined the clans that fit there personalities. Sitting all alone, she hears laughter from her ex- bestfriend Rachel Bruin and a bunch a kids. She instantly knew she was the one they were laughing at. Why though? They been bestfriends since they were young, they were ride or dies! What in the world is an wounded zebra? Anyways the first person to speak to the narrator is the "wounded zebra" Heather from ohio.