Thursday, February 24, 2011

speak-sanctuary, espanol, home. work, our fearless leader, fizz ed, friends, & heathering

After lunch the narrator goes to her next class the place that teaches you how to survive, art! Mr.freeman is the  teacher he is considered ugly and looks like a big old grasshopper.The art teacher pulls out a expensive looking globe with a huge hole in it. He is trying to bring imagination to the kids that have no imagination. Inside the globe there are pink slips with a name of an object. She gets a tree! The next class is Spanish were nobody knew what the teacher was saying which drove her crazy.The class seemed pointless and a waste because the time it was over they knew as much as they knew when they walked in. The didn't know much Spanish! Finally we meet our narrator  Melinda Sordino! She then has fizz ed which is the embarrassment of  life. Melinda is not a very athletic type girl but her old friend Nicole is. She was the most athletic and always praised by every gym teacher. Nicole wasn't ashamed of her body and didn't mind changing in front of others even bras and undies. How crazy?  After gym class she goes to the bathroom and her old best friend, Rachel but now Rachelle. Melinda chose to speak and Rachelle didn't even try to make a conversation. Why is she acting like that? I thought they were best friends at one point of time last year. At the end of the day Melinda rides on Heathers bus home and she nearly pushes her against her will to pick a club to join but Melinda isn't so fond of any of them. What is she to do?

1 comment:

  1. I love that you are asking questions of the text. That is what good readers do. It sounds like you are engaged with the reading, and that's wonderful. Keep up this level of engagement and you will go far!
